New Years Resolutions



It’s that time of year when you start thinking of New Year’s Resolutions, so I thought if I publicly shared mine with you all, then it might in fact help me stick to a few of them…

1. First one, which I think is on everyone’s list: become more fit. I want to loose those Christmas pounds, but I don’t want to say that I want to loose weight, because even though I kind of do, I’m more fussed about getting muscle, getting fit and being strong. After all, strong is the new skinny right?

2. Save £1000. Since adjusting to moving out and living independently, I must admit, I’ve been terrible with money. So though it might not sound like a lot, I would love to be able to add £1000 to my ISA and not take it out again for shoes…

3. Be more selective with my clothes. I already have an insane amount of clothes, and have a tendency to buy things just because they’re really cheap in a charity shop, but do I ever really wear them? Honestly, no. So if I want to buy a new piece of clothing, I have to give at least two pieces to charity. I want to create a more refined wardrobe as opposed to having a bit of everything and it all being a bit mismatched.

4. Read more. Whether it’s in the form of books, magazine articles or blogs. I would love to improve my writing style and think the best way to do this is through inspiration from other writers, journalists or bloggers.

5. Write a positive thought in my diary each day. Whilst I wouldn’t say I’m a negative person, I could certainly be more positive! So as of January 1st, I’ll be writing a positive thought in my 2015 diary every single day. If I surround myself with positive thoughts then I find it makes me more motivated and driven.

6. This one’s not so much a resolution, but more of a to-do: plan the wedding. I’m getting married on June 9th 2016, so by this time next year, we’d like to have a venue booked, DJ booked and all the main important things sorted. With it being a DIY wedding, a lot of stuff can be made and bought from charity shops throughout the year.

Those are my main six goals for 2015. What do you want to do this year?

Happy New Year!


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